The Essential Thinking Course for Better Business Writing

Pyramid Principle +, the classic in business writing enriched with 20 years of experience

This is likely to be the best writing course you have ever taken – based on the Pyramid Principle, the standard for business writing, and enriched with 20 years of practical experience.

What you’ll learn

  • Get to the point and be concise.
  • Create a coherent story, with a clear hierarchy between the key message and the supporting details.
  • Make a real connection with your audience.
  • As a consultant, enable your customers to take better decisions.
  • Master all the basics from the standard of business writing: the Pyramid Principle.
  • Choose the right storyline for every situation.

Course Content

  • Get started –> 3 lectures • 11min.
  • Learn all the basics –> 2 lectures • 14min.
  • Deepen your knowledge –> 3 lectures • 13min.

Auto Draft


This is likely to be the best writing course you have ever taken – based on the Pyramid Principle, the standard for business writing, and enriched with 20 years of practical experience.


1. Think from a reader’s perspective

You’ll learn how to think from a reader’s perspective. Even if your job involves very complex information, the course will help you to rise above all the details and create clarity for your reader.

Your reader will appreciate:

– Relevant information. Readers don’t like to waste their time. I will teach you how to include exactly what they need to know, only the relevant information.

– Accessible form. We will make it easy for your reader to absorb the information. The essence will stand out, making it possible to scan the key message(s). The story will be coherent, with clear relationships between the different elements of the text. Lastly, retaining the information will be easier, because you will know how to structure it in line with how our brains work.


2. Create a better follow-up

For most organisations this is the most important reason to follow the course: clear, well-structured documents allow for a better follow-up! In the case of an advice: if it is well-founded, with clear argumentation, this leads to better decisions. Also, an instruction will have a better follow-up, with less mistakes. All of this will make an organisation more efficient – and more enjoyable to work at.


3. Enjoy a more structured writing process

For you as a writer, you will enjoy a more structured writing process. You’ll learn to create a structure (storyline) first, which you can then develop into a written text or presentation. Structuring your working process like this, in these two phases, means you’ll having fewer problems getting started (no more fear of blank pages). And it will be easier to incorporate feedback from colleagues, because you’ll be doing that in an earlier stage.


Less is more

We love to practice what we preach. If we’re teaching you how to get to the point and be concise, we’d better not do that with a long – and tedious – course. That’s why it’s under one hour… though of course you can spend more time doing the exercises.


And please do the exercises that you’ll find under Resources. They are interactive online exercises, a bit of puzzling. I’m sure you’ll enjoy them.

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