Emotion Based Time Management (THIS WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE!)

Achieve goals and deliver yourself from Stress with this System

This program I created was based on excessive experimentation with time management programs. I run some companies and was a full time student, along with family and relationships, finding time for everything was tough. I was feeling stressed and overwhelmed. I tried many different ways to juggle work and life, but something was off.

What you’ll learn

  • Learn how to use the “no regret” day planning formula.
  • Learn how to use emotions to plan your day and life.
  • Learn how to set nightmares and to set dreams.
  • Get far, far more done and live a far more peaceful life.

Course Content

  • Introduction –> 2 lectures • 5min.
  • How to do Emotion Based Time Management! –> 11 lectures • 45min.
  • Conclusion –> 2 lectures • 2min.
  • FAQs –> 4 lectures • 5min.

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This program I created was based on excessive experimentation with time management programs. I run some companies and was a full time student, along with family and relationships, finding time for everything was tough. I was feeling stressed and overwhelmed. I tried many different ways to juggle work and life, but something was off.


In my other work, I focus nearly exclusively on emotion. Letting go of emotion, using emotion to achieve, etc. It soon hit me that maybe I should try to create a time management program based on feeling and emotion. Specifically, what I wished to feel now, today, and what feelings I wanted in the future. But most importantly, what feelings I wished to avoid today, and avoid in the future.


This last part lead to the development of Emotion Based Time Management or EBTM. Many of my students have used it already and they really love it. I hope you will too! You’ll experience, as you do it, the spontaneous arising of positive emotion via our “no regret” day planning. You’ll aim your life, orbit your life, around the core emotions of peace, bliss, excitement/exhilaration, and easy-goingness. You’ll be able to breathe easy at  night, you’ll go to bed refreshed, and you’ll finally feel like you have everything under control. You are going to feel super responsible and organized. It’s a glorious way to organize your day!

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