Leadership Storytelling – Frameworks for Success

In this quick course learn why leadership storytelling is so powerful, and how and when to use it effectively.

We’ve all been in situations where we dread going to boring meetings, feel uninspired by leadership or unprepared to effectively communicate with our team.

What you’ll learn

  • Strategies for creating connection- why storytelling is critical for effective leadership.
  • Develop professional storytelling techniques build trust, loyalty & credibility with your team.
  • Narrative techniques to effectively navigate organizational change.
  • How to make scientific and technical information accessible and engaging.
  • Become more effective and confident in your communication with customers & investors.

Course Content

  • Introduction –> 1 lecture • 6min.
  • Building Trust, Loyalty & Credibility. –> 1 lecture • 6min.
  • Using Narrative to Navigate Change –> 1 lecture • 6min.
  • Making Information Accessible & Engaging –> 1 lecture • 6min.
  • Leadership Storytelling with Customers & Investors –> 1 lecture • 6min.

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We’ve all been in situations where we dread going to boring meetings, feel uninspired by leadership or unprepared to effectively communicate with our team.


Storytelling is a powerful leadership tool to combat all of these daily organizational challenges- and so much more.

Even if you don’t consider yourself ‘a storyteller’ this course introduces you to a range of storytelling techniques that anyone can use to be more effective leader.


Sharing a compelling narrative is how you build credibility for yourself and your ideas. It’s how you inspire and motivate your team and build your vision and values in the minds of your customers.

Whether you need to win over a colleague, a team, an investor or an entire conference audience, effective storytelling is key.


In this series Tessa Rawson breaks down why storytelling is critical for effective leadership. She explores how to bridge the gap between sharing information and inspiring action, and provides a guide to building connection & credibility with your team and your customers.


Tessa provides frameworks for choosing which stories to tell, how to prepare them appropriately for different purposes, audiences and business engagements.


These guides will provide you with the confidence to bring more of your personality to meetings, navigate more successful organizational change and build greater trust, loyalty & credibility within your organization.

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