Learn the science of therapeutics: Pharmacology

Pharmacodynamic, Pharmacokinetics, Cholinergic and Adrenergic Pharmacology

Explore the intricate world of pharmacology through a visually driven and engaging approach that simplifies complex concepts into bite-sized, digestible chunks. This course is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, and cholinergic and adrenergic pharmacology, ensuring that students grasp the depth of these critical topics.

What you’ll learn

  • Understand pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics and how they impact the efficacy and safety of drug therapy..
  • Identify the major drug classes used in the treatment of medical conditions and diseases..
  • Relate the mechanism of action of drugs to the pathophysiology associated with specific disease states..
  • Demonstrate the ability to recommend appropriate treatment for common medical conditions and diseases..
  • Identification and management of drug-drug interactions and adverse drug reactions..

Course Content

  • Introduction –> 1 lecture • 3min.
  • Pharmacodynamics Principles –> 1 lecture • 26min.
  • Pharmacokinetic Principles –> 4 lectures • 1hr 34min.
  • Cholinergic Pharmacology –> 3 lectures • 1hr 16min.
  • Adrenergic Pharmacology –> 3 lectures • 1hr 7min.

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Explore the intricate world of pharmacology through a visually driven and engaging approach that simplifies complex concepts into bite-sized, digestible chunks. This course is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, and cholinergic and adrenergic pharmacology, ensuring that students grasp the depth of these critical topics.

Key Course Highlights:

1. Pharmacodynamic Principles: Delve into the mechanisms of drug action, receptor theory, and the intricacies of how drugs interact with the human body. Gain insights into the effects of drugs at a cellular and molecular level.

2. Pharmacokinetics: Understand how drugs move within the body, their absorption, distribution, metabolism, and elimination. Visually engaging material will help you grasp drug concentration-time profiles, bioavailability, and factors influencing drug disposition.

3. Cholinergic Pharmacology: Explore the autonomic nervous system, the cholinergic system, and the effects of drugs on cholinergic receptors on effector organs. Illustrations and annotated diagrams will simplify the intricate neurotransmission and drug actions.

4. Adrenergic Pharmacology: Dive into the world of adrenergic receptors, neurotransmitters, and their modulation by drugs. The use of annotated diagrams and flowcharts will facilitate comprehension of sympathetic nervous system regulation.

Unique Course Feature:

This course’s uniqueness lies in its visual-driven approach. Complex pharmacological concepts are presented through visually engaging materials, including illustrations, diagrams, flowcharts, and mindmaps. This approach simplifies even the most intricate topics, ensuring a thorough understanding without compromising on depth or content coverage.

By the end of this course, students will have a profound comprehension of essential pharmacological principles and a unique ability to simplify complex pharmacological concepts into manageable, memorable insights. Join us on a visually immersive journey through the world of pharmacology.

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